(영어 에세이) Cat - 함지윤 > 자유게시판


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(영어 에세이) Cat - 함지윤

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댓글 0건 조회 2,855회 작성일 16-07-21 10:43


(영어 에세이) 함지윤 - Cat



Hello, my name is Rachel. I have time now to explain today my topic, a cat. Cats are mammals. Actually, cats were wild, but now almost all are raised by people. We guess that the first people to raise cats were the ancient Egyptians, who lived about 5000 years ago. The Egyptians suffered from rats that would inflict great losses on their granary. At that time, they knew that cats are the natural enemy of rats, so they started to raise cats. Since then cats have become the goddess of music, richness, and fertility. The people who killed the cats, were put to death.

There are many different kinds of cats in the world. For example, there are Siamese, Persian, Russian blue, Turkish Angora, etc. Cats are often compared to dogs. For example, most people think cats are dumber than dogs, but they are the exact opposite. It's just that cats don't use their brain. And cats can be potty trained quickly but dogs cannot. To talk about potty training, most cats do their business in places where it has much sand. We call it the cat's toilet. Cats don't know properly where to go "potty" since birth. But mothers and owners guide them to their toilet, and they soon learn properly. However, sometimes cats can poo or pee on a place where it smells like their own and they can take care of their business everywhere because of stress. But this behavior can be fixed. When people just change the sand, they restart doing their business in their toilet. The sand must be cleaned from 7 to 10 days.


When cats are brought into their owner's home for the first time, cats are afraid of strangers. So cats are usually on guard. When they guard themselves, they hiss at other people. After a period of adaptation, they would be laying around everywhere all day.


At this time, I will introduce some mistaken things about cats. The first is milk! We think cats like the milk, yeah that's right. Cats can drink milk but milk has a component that cats can't decompose. So when cats drink milk, they may have diarrhea. If you want cats to drink milk, I recommend that you buy special milk for cats. The second is fish. Fish are liked by cats, so you can give fish to them as a snack. But you should give them white fish because it prevents them from being infected by parasites. Don't give them the external blue colored fish. And don't give them fish from cans or raw fish. Next, is knitting balls. Cats play well with knitting balls. But if it enters their mouth, it can be very dangerous. So, I recommend that you give them other kinds of balls.


Most cats like to scratch everything with their claws because it is the process for them to change their old claws to new ones. So, when they are changing their claws, we must protect our things. I have a way to protect our things by making them a place where they can scratch. If cats scratch on places where they shouldn't, owners can entice them with toys by placing them where they can scratch. If you don't, in my experience, all sofas and wallpapers will be torn.


Cats shed their fur during spring and autumn or twice a year. But these days, cats are raised in an owner's house and don't feel the temperature difference, so they shed all the year round. The shedding can't be stopped, so you should care for it well. First, use a comb. Combing will give the cat grooming and make them more friendly. So, it is good to do this normally. But during shedding you must do it harder.

Second is bathing. Most cats hate to bathe, but it cleans their fur.

Third is cutting. Cutting their fur is very useful.

The last one is cleaning your room every day. The cats are shedding everywhere in your room. When you breathe, it may enter into your mouth and nose. So by cleaning your room, you are more sanitary.

Raising cats isn't easy. So you should consider getting one seriously for a long time. And please do not abandon your pet.

I am finished with my presentation. Thank you for hearing it.



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