(영어 에세이) Movie - 조한나 > 자유게시판


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(영어 에세이) Movie - 조한나

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댓글 0건 조회 2,874회 작성일 16-07-21 10:53


(영어 에세이) Movie - 조한나

My Recommendations for Movies<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Cathy Jo


I like watching movies. I dont necessarily have a favorite genre. Sometimes I would want to see a romantic, action or comedy movies. The genres vary time to time. What kind of genre do you like?


The reason why I told you this is because I would like to tell you about my favorite movie. I will recommend to you a movie for the different genres I like. First off, in the romance category, I would like to recommend If Only. This movie is about a relationship between woman Samantha - and a man - Ian. The relationship between Ian and Samantha wasn’t working out, because Ianworked too much and did not pay attention to Samantha. This led to Samantha being lonely. Ian talked to a taxi driver about his relationship problems and how hard it was getting for them. The Taxi Driver recommended to him to be thankful and love her. Later that evening, at a restaurant Ian and Samantha got in an argument. On their way home, Samantha, took a taxi home by alone and got into a car accident. After Ian found out, he slept while grieving. The next morning when Ian woke up, he saw Samantha next to him (he went back to the past). He remembered what the taxi driver said to him and did what he said to her. On the last day, he did better to her and said goodbye. Now its up to you to watch the movie and see how it ends.


The next genre of movie is, Thriller. The movie I chose was Orphan. This movie is about a family that adopts a girl. Once they adopted her, the mother became suspicious of the orphan because she was being a bad influence and was bothering her and her son. The husband of the mom thought she was crazy for thinking that the orphan girl could bother anyone. The mother later found out that the orphan girl had a disease that made her look like a young girl, when in real life she was about forty years old. The girl later showed her true colors and killed the father and in the beginning, tried to kill a Nun. The orphan knew that the mother hated her and tried to kill her and her sister, but she drowned trying.


The last genre is Musical. My all-time favorite musical is Mamma Mia. The storyline starts off with a woman and a girl living on an island. The bride-to-be is named, Sophie. She finds her mothers diary and realizes that (complete strangers) Sam, Harry or Bill, might be her potential father. Sophie always had the dream of her father walking her down the aisle, so she invited the three men to her wedding as well as her mother. Her mother, Donna gets stressed once she sees her three lovers from the past and gets upset with Sophie. All three men said that they are the real father of Sophie and they kept apologizing to Donna. Donna got mad because of the drama that they were causing and told them to leave. On the wedding day Sophie walks to the wedding venue with her mom. Before the wedding Sam tells Donna that he loves her by singing. Sam was the only man who really loved Donna. He was engaged to another woman but broke up with her to get back together and marry Donna. The movie ended with Donna and Sam getting married that day and Sophie and Sky pushing the wedding date back to really think about it. Not all musical/ movies songs are all amazing, but all of the songs that are in Mama Mia are amazing so you wont even know time is going by. This movie does not get boring and it is fun and filled with energy.


The types of movies I like might not fit with what you may like but, I only talk about the movies that would fit everyone. Through these moves I am pretty sure you will get a lesson out of each and every one of them. That is all I have for today. I am Cathy signing out for today, thank you for listening to my boring speech. I love you.



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